Teaching & Learning

Victorian Curriculum

Our curriculum is set by the Victorian Department of Education and we follow the Victorian Curriculum. Our students study English (Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening) for 2 hours a day and Mathematics for 1 hour each day.


Students participate in a varied arts program delivered by classroom teachers incorporating music, drama and dance.


Fortnightly we are visited by the Mobile library which provides students with not only the opportunity to borrow books but also to discover new authors, participate in literature specific activities and discussions. We also have our own library that students access readily. This is a wonderful space for students to relax and read.


Students at the school have the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of sports and competitions. We are involved in many different competitions with other cluster schools, such as, the NERSSA athletic sports, swimming carnivals, cross country running, kanga cricket, tennis and t-ball competition. We are an active participant in the Sporting Schools Program. We utilise this to provide students with sporting opportunities they may not readily have access to including gymnastics and sailing.


Our students learn Auslan (Australian Sign Language) through our fortnightly language program. Learning Auslan provides our students with the ability to engage with the Deaf community and provides insight into its rich cultural heritage. Students also develop understanding and respect for others, appreciation of diversity and openness to different perspectives and experiences.


Technology is a huge part of today’s society and will continue to be in the decades to come. Our students have access to a huge range of technology, such as, iPads, Spheros, robotics, beebots, two interactive whiteboards, a computer for every student, cameras and flip cameras. We are committed to allowing our students access to the latest technology and teaching them to be cyber smart through the ‘esmart program’.